Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gingerbread for HTC Desire due late April or early May, says Three

 HTC Desire

After being the first carrier to confirm the HTC Desire Gingerbread update, Three UK has now given an estimate of when they expect to push the update out to Three-branded Desires. Responding to a question on its official Twitter feed, Three said the update is "coming in for testing on Monday, so end of April early May is the plan."

Other network-branded HTC Desires (in Europe, at least) should expect to see the update around the same time, though some carriers are faster than others when it comes to testing and approving new firmware. Unlocked Desire owners are likely to get Gingerbread before the late April/early May release window given by Three, as updates for their handsets don't have to be vetted by carriers before being pushed out. [@ThreeUK]

Gingerbread for HTC Desire due late April or early May, says Three posted originally by Android Central

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