Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Future of Search: Who Will Win The Spam Wars?

Sometimes, all it takes is a little spark to set off a major forest fire. That is what seems to have happened with my New Year?s Day post on Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better)�Google. Over the last two months, there has been an avalanche of articles echoing my post, including New York Magazine, Business Insider, GigaOm, TechCrunch, CNN, and The Wall Street Journal. I had a feeling that this would get Google?s attention. And I had the same concern as when I challenged the Russian government, once, in a Bloomberg BusinessWeek article about Skolkovo (a new tech park). I feared that Google would either blacklist me or do its equivalent of putting me in a Gulag?deliver even more spam when I search websites.



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